Revive us Again!

 Welcome to Bronte Church! Have you ever seen fire fall from heaven? We have perhaps seen fireworks or some dazzling display of fire or pyrotechnics that captivated us. Fire is a fascinating element, source of energy and light. When it’s cold or dark at camp we light a fire, or when we want to burn something, we light a fire to consume it. Likewise, we need to keep the “fire” burning in our lives. If it goes out, we may grow cold in many ways and lose the light along the way. In our spiritual lives, fire purifies, refines, unites, warms and illuminates our way and we become like “gold tried in the fire” (Revelation 3:18) developing a character for eternity. As we conclude our series for this month, we pray that God will light or reignite a fire in your hearts to burn for him in sharing your faith, serving him, and making Him and His kingdom business a priority. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit fall on us and renew our minds, revive our spirits, and restore our souls to God.

Monthly Theme: “Revive Us Again!”


Welcome to the Bronte Church family! We trust that today you will find a blessing through our study, worship, and fellowship. As we continue our monthly theme, “Revive Us Again,” and we start our Week of Prayer, we pray that God will inspire you and encourage your heart. The first of the reassuring readings for this week is, “A Heart for Mission” – how appropriately titled as yesterday we celebrated Remembrance Day. In this reading, we will explore how our world was lost because of sin and God came seeking and searching for us. It was a “mission possible” assignment and going “where no one has gone before.” David Livingstone remarked, “God had only one Son and he made that Son a missionary.” God came to our world to redeem and reconcile us back to Him as He paid the supreme sacrifice. Jesus himself said, “…for the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). All that we have now –our rights, freedoms, and blessings – come from the One who has done so much for us. We need Him and He could not do without us and loved us so much to save us by His ultimate sacrifice at the Cross of Calvary. May we respond with gratitude and be willing to serve Him in loving appreciation and say “Lord, here am I, send me.”

