From the Pastor’s Desk – Feb 18, 2017

Welcome to Bronte! We hope and pray that you will experience a renewed sense of joy, meaning, and receive a blessing! We are moving into a season where we may feel anxious, sad, alone, and perhaps our New Year resolutions seem to slide as we relapse to old practices. It’s okay to feel this way. We all do at times; in our humanity we feel weak, weary, and stretched. The good news is we don’t have to stay there! God wants us to experience His presence and joy. David, who knew about almost every human condition, resonates with us and gives us pointers to appeal to God, “Cast me not away from your presence; and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of your salvation…” (Psalm 51:11-12). May we come to our God, who has arms open wide, ready to restore us to a place of health, healing, and hope.