From the Pastor’s Desk – Oct 28 2017

We hope to welcome you today to the Bronte Church family as we meet to study, worship, and fellowship. Today, we will celebrate the Lord’s supper. It’s a special time as we remember what our Saviour has done for us and the entire human family, to ransom, rescue, and redeem us. When we think about how our Lord left His majesty, dominion, and power to condescend and become like us, it only reveals the unspeakable and infinite love of God. Who would have thought of such a plan, but the One created us and recreates us. We belong to God first by creation and then by redemption. When we celebrate the communion, we remember the cost it took to save us; we receive it with humility forgiveness, mercy, and grace; we can renew our covenant relationship with God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. What a provision that was made for us! The communion connection links us between creation, catastrophe, and Calvary. It is the only way to God, heaven, and eternity. Ephesians 1:7 says “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Jesus becomes our bridge, our ticket, and our lifeline. He is still the only way, the truth, and the life. Let us receive afresh and anew always and don’t leave home without Him!” — Pastor Daniel D. Saugh

From the Pastor’s Desk – Oct 21 2017

We welcome you to our Bronte Church family this Sabbath! We are living in a time where almost any goes and is characterized by the word ‘whatever.’ With disintegrating values, plummeting principles, and declining morals, most people live only for the present and the moment, not even realizing the impact of their choices and consequences tomorrow. While it’s true that we should live for today and not worry about tomorrow, what we do today may influence tomorrow; decisions today can affect our tomorrow and ultimately our destiny. In a spiritual sense, we know this to be true. M Scott Peck remarked in his book, The Road Less Traveled, ‘life is difficult.’ We know that can be our reality at times, yet we have the assurance of the words of Jesus, ‘These things have I spoken to you, that in me you might have peace. In this world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world’ (John 16:33). The type of faith God calls us to develop is one that can weather the storms of life, one that will not shrink or retreat, one that will not be ashamed to stand for God, ‘a faith that will overcome the world’ (1 John 5:4). It’s not just saving faith we need, its enduring faith. That was the faith of the reformers. That should be our faith in these closing times of earth’s history. So how do we develop this faith? Well, the Paul the Apostle, tells us, ‘as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him (continue to live your lives in Him). Rooted and built up in Him, and established in the faith… with thanksgiving’ (Colossians 2:6-7). Grow in faith, nurture your faith, practice your faith, and live your faith!

— Pastor Daniel D. Saugh


From the Pastor’s Desk – Oct 14 2017

“Welcome to Bronte to study, worship, and fellowship as a family! As we continue our series this month on “Reviving Our Faith” I want you to think back: has your car ever got stuck and you needed to call a family member, friend, CAA, or tow truck for help because you could not get going? When they arrived, it may have been determined that your battery was dead, so they used booster/ jumper cables to revive your battery. To work, those cables had to connect electrical current from a source of power to the terminals of your battery. Then after you turned the ignition, the crank created a spark that was received by the terminals reviving the battery cell(s), and gave the “juice” needed to generate power and start your car. Is being stranded on the road with a dead car battery any different than being stranded spiritually on the road of life? I think of our spiritual lives in a similar way: we use our cables (communication through God’s Word and prayer), that connect from an external source of power (God) to create a spark (igniting our spiritual lives by the Holy Spirit) and revive our “spiritually dead or dying” state (giving life to sustain us). We all need to experience that ongoing power. In our cars, though the alternator helps to keep the battery recharged, many factors demand and drain the power of the battery. In life, factors that drain our spiritual power include: less time with God, too little time in His word, not enough prayer, less time serving, not sharing our faith, and perusing worldly and our own self-focused desires above putting God first and foremost in our lives. Instead, stop for a moment to experience complete silence, a place of quiet solitude and solace. David reminded himself as he does to us, “…Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:1). We cannot allow rapid paces to drain, drag, and dampen our spiritual life, let alone our overall life. Check into the charging station which is available to us 24/7; God’s presence, peace, and power from His Word and through prayer can connect us to the Ultimate Power Source all day long, every day of our lives!” — Pastor Daniel D. Saugh

From the Pastor’s Desk – October 7th 2017

We look forward to welcoming you today to God’s house at Bronte. We are in the last quarter of year and it seems to be going by so quickly. This year alone we have witnessed so many events that have changed our world and the way we live. It is also the eve of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. It is part of our history and how we have come to be as a church. The spirit of the Reformation, to distill Biblical truths, is not fully understood. It shook the foundations of the world, the church, and faith. Many people stood firm in their faith for the love of truth. They would not compromise their convictions of truth, those based on the Word of God. Their faith meant all to them even at the risk of their lives. How much does our faith mean to us? How much is our faith worth? Where do we draw the line when it comes to our faith? There is so much in society that seeks to influence the way we think, believe, and act. How do we maintain our position, keep the peace, and stand firm in our faith without the risk of losing our relevance? If our faith and Christian practice is only in our head and not in our hearts, it isn’t worth much! I commend to you the Word of God as the foundation of your faith and practice. Finally, in the words of Gideon’s International ‘read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.’ Receive, believe, and live!

— Pastor Daniel D. Saugh